This is a complete lesson based on the ‘personal finance’ unit from the AQA PSHE award (level 1). This lesson is based on assessment objectives 1:1 and 1:2 from the unit.
The lesson comes with a worksheet task.
I have other lessons available from the scheme, both indivudually or in a bundle which comes with an evidence booklet for the students to record their work.
This is a complete lesson based on the ‘personal finance’ unit from the AQA PSHE award (level 1). This lesson is based on assessment objective 2:2 from the unit, credit vs debit.
I have other lessons available from the scheme, both indivudually or in a bundle which comes with an evidence booklet for the students to record their work.
The second lesson in my PSHE scheme concerning the Sex and Relationships module of the AQA award. This lesson is centered around the topic of friendships.
The evidence booklet referenced in the PowerPoint is available in my shop, along with all other lessons for the module.
The scheme is aimed at students completing their level 1 award.
Please leave a review if you like my resource.
The first lesson taken from the Sex and Relationships module of the AQA PSHE qualification. The lesson is aimed at the topic of parents and carers, and the responsibility we have in relationships.
This lesson is aimed at level 1 students.
The evidence booklet referenced on the PowerPoint is available in my shop, plus the complete scheme with evidence booklet included.
Please leave a review if you like my resource.
The fifth lesson in my PSHE scheme concerning the Sex and Relationships module of the AQA award. This lesson is centered around the topic of contraception and STIs.
The evidence booklet referenced in the PowerPoint is available in my shop, along with all other lessons for the module.
The scheme is aimed at students completing their level 1 award.
Please leave a review if you like my resource.
The fourth lesson in my PSHE scheme concerning the Sex and Relationships module of the AQA award. This lesson is centered around the topic of divorce.
The evidence booklet referenced in the PowerPoint is available in my shop, along with all other lessons for the module.
The scheme is aimed at students completing their level 1 award.
Please leave a review if you like my resource.
The third lesson in my PSHE scheme concerning the Sex and Relationships module of the AQA award. This lesson is centered around the topic of marriage.
The evidence booklet referenced in the PowerPoint is available in my shop, along with all other lessons for the module.
The scheme is aimed at students completing their level 1 award.
Please leave a review if you like my resource.
This is a complete lesson based on the ‘personal finance’ unit from the AQA PSHE award (level 1). This lesson is based on assessment objective 3:1.
I have other lessons available from the scheme, both indivudually or in a bundle which comes with an evidence booklet for the students to record their work.
Designed for students to keep all of their evidence in one place.
To pass level one of the AQA PSHE award. Unit 8.
First page has a check list to check off completion of each section.
Each page has the criteria from the specification which students must meet to complete the unit.
Designed for students to keep all of their evidence in one place.
To pass level one of the AQA PSHE award. Unit 6.
First page has a check list to check off completion of each section.
Each page has the criteria from the specification which students must meet to complete the unit.
Designed for students to keep all of their evidence in one place.
To pass level one of the AQA PSHE award. Unit 7.
First page has a check list to check off completion of each section.
Each page has the criteria from the specification which students must meet to complete the unit.
Designed for students to keep all of their evidence in one place.
To pass level one of the AQA PSHE award. Unit 5.
First page has a check list to check off completion of each section.
Each page has the criteria from the specification which students must meet to complete the unit.
Designed for students to keep all of their evidence in one place.
To pass level one of the AQA PSHE award. Unit 4.
First page has a check list to check off completion of each section.
Each page has the criteria from the specification which students must meet to complete the unit.
Designed for students to keep all of their evidence in one place.
To pass level one of the AQA PSHE award. Unit 3.
First page has a check list to check off completion of each section.
Each page has the criteria from the specification which students must meet to complete the unit.
Full unit of work based on the AQA PSHEE specification for Level 1 pupils.
Includes five PowerPoint lessons and an evidence booklet for the pupils to record their evidence and send off to AQA.